Friday 28 November 2008

The trouble with Thailand...

So best laid plans go awry...the Thai PAD party has closed the airports in Bangkok and I have been back and forwards rescheduling flights, rooms and destinations.

I am now leaving on Monday for Singapore instead - so no elephants, sunbathing and bamboo rafting after all - but sure that shopping in Singapore and arriving a day earlier in Sydney will more than make up for it! Gaynor at Trailfinders Oxford has been brilliant in reorganising everything for me and luckily the insurance from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust covers me for all the extra costs.

I am remarkably calm about it all - almost had been expecting some disruptions to the plans and at least I am lucky not to be travelling to Mumbai.... the friends in Thailand are expecting the airport to be stormed today and not sure if it will reopen as it will depend on the amount of damage caused. Let's hope there will not be too many lives lost or injuries...

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